To create a brand for both digital & print to support a new campaign aimed at educating universities & businesses of all sizes to be more pro-active & efficient with energy usages.
The colours, materials & resources used, reflect the brand’s mission statement.
A fun, pictographic & playful visual approach to appeal to young demographic audiences.
An interlaced version of the marque was introduced to reinforce the message of saving energy & resources.

An interlaced version logo was created specifically for all printed matter.
The compliment slip had a perforated cut, to make the slip double as a business card.

A responsive micro-site / blog was designed as a means to document case studies & campaign related content.

The blog's objective is to acted as a community, and welcome people to contribute their thoughts & ideas to posts. This would be the platform for something more in-depth for the next phase.

Carbon Brainprint
Carbon Awareness Campaign created to educate universities & businesses of energy efficiency in the workplace.