Soup of Words - A creative inspiration blog designed to inspire its readers through the art of written language.

2016 2011

Soup of Words — A creative inspiration blog designed to inspire its readers through the art of written language.

Role:Creative Direction / Design / UX / Curation

"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world."
Robin Williams

Soup of Words is my personal design blog that focuses on inspiring its readers with quotes and stories.


Unlike most quote websites, I wanted this place to be something that was as playful as it was inspirational.

It also acts as a nice way for me to get to know creatives and find out new quotes that motivate them.


Soup of Words is a made-up phrase to explain a collection of creative words.

The execution of the brand was inspired by the classic children's meal, Alphabetti Spaghetti.

Colour Palette

A generative program was created to export different states of the logo in stills and motion snippets.

Homepage (Main Stream of Content)
UI in Detail
Featured Post
Blog Post
Content Animation

The letters from the title float away as the user scrolls.

Annual Publication

A booklet is created every year to sum up the year's reviews.


Soup of Words

A creative inspiration blog designed to inspire its readers through the art of written language.

Role: Creative Direction / Design / UX / Curation

Studio: WeLoveNoise